Summer Sessions for Returning Students

Students talking and working in RIC building lobby

We Have What You're Looking For


Downward pointing arrow

Session I: May 13–June 21

Undergraduate Session I Courses 

Graduate Session I Courses

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Session II: June 24–August 2

Undergraduate Session II Courses 

Graduate Session II Courses

Get Ready to Register!

When to Register

Register for Courses at These Times

作为新入学的学生或返回RIC参加课程的人, you may register during these two time periods:

  • Session I: February 26–May 17 
  • Session II: February 26–June 28 


How to Find the Right Course

Finding the Courses You'll Register for on MyRIC

而本科生和研究生的课程表则会让你了解课程的内容和时间, MyRIC将为您提供课程描述,帮助您决定注册哪些课程:

  1. Go to MyRIC 并通过输入用户ID和密码(全部小写)访问您的帐户. 如果您忘记了您的ID或密码,或无法访问您的帐户, please contact the Help Desk at 如果您对注册过程有疑问,请联系 Records Office at 401-456-8213. Please Note: Students with disability concerns, 谁需要协助登入网上注册, should contact the Disability Services Center at 401-456-2776.
  2. 要查找和浏览课程,请从RIC公告页面导航到RIC学生主页(使用顶部), left drop-down menu). Then click on Student Center > Search for Classes button.

Call/Class Numbers


  • 这是您注册、添加或放弃给定课程所需的号码
  • 点击呼叫号码将为您提供课程描述

此外,如果一门课程有多个部分,请注意唯一的部分编号. 你只能注册一门课程的一个部分.

Departmental Consent

Some courses require departmental consent to enroll. 这些课程在“课程详细信息”页面的“课程搜索”中以“需要部门同意”字样进行标识.一门课程可能会因为以下原因被指定为:最低平均绩点, earned credits, major, or permission of department chair. 有关报名信息,请与报名部门联系.

College Catalog 

The college catalog 包含所有本科课程的学位要求, rules that affect students, descriptions of courses, 还有一份学院教员和管理人员的名单. 你必须了解学位课程目录中给出的规则. 目录是所有学生的权威文件. 

Where and How to Register

Registering for Summer Classes on MyRIC 

  1. Go to MyRIC 并通过输入用户ID和密码(全部小写)访问您的帐户. 如果您忘记了您的ID或密码,或无法访问您的帐户, please contact the Help Desk at 如果您对注册过程有疑问,请联系 Records Office at 401-456-8213. Please Note: Students with disability concerns, 谁需要协助登入网上注册, should contact the Disability Services Center at 401-456-2776.
  2. 要开始注册过程,请从RIC公告页面导航到RIC学生主页(使用顶部), left drop-down menu). Then click on Student Center > select Enroll from the left-hand navigation
  3. 请务必避免课程会议时间相互冲突


Add/Drop Dates and Course Loads

Summer Session I

  • May 13: classes begin and add/drop period begins
  • May 17: add/drop period ends
  • 5月31日:擅自退课的最后一天

Summer Session II

  • June 24: classes begin and add/drop period begins
  • June 28: add/drop period ends
  • 7月12日:无许可退课的最后一天

Undergraduate Course Load

夏季的最大课程负荷是每学期8个学分. 任何例外的最大课程负荷政策必须由相应的教务长书面批准. 

Graduate Course Load

夏季的最大课程负荷是每学期8个学分. 担任研究生助理或研究生研究助理的学生被视为全日制学生, 但每学期必须注册至少6个学分,或在任何一个夏季课程中注册至少6个学分. 

Understanding Our Course Numbering System

Course NumbersDescription
000-009Noncredit Courses
300-399满足先决条件的本科生选修的课程. 这些课程不能作为研究生学位的学分
400-499Courses normally taken in the junior and senior years. 这些课程对研究生开放,以获得研究生学位的学分. 研究生课程可接受的学分数量受到研究生课程政策的限制
500-599Courses open to graduate students. 通常这些课程要求学士学位作为先决条件. In certain circumstances, 获得至少90个学分的合格学生可以被录取, 在得到导师和相应院长的许可后 
600-699Courses open to graduate and doctoral students only
700-799Courses open to graduate and doctoral students only
Rhode Island College entrance

Questions about Summer Sessions?